Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to the Electronic Eremite's Game Room!


Welcome to EEGR, my humble computer game site. First, a little about me: My name is the Electronic Eremite, and I am a gaming addict. They say that acceptance is the first step to recovery, but instead of recovering, I thought I would start up this site to allow others to benefit from my gaming addiction. I am a lifelong gamer, Console, PC and Boardgames, who loves strategy gaming, RPGs, FPS, and RTS, but who is willing to play nearly anything once. Further, I am an avid poster in the forums at The Wargamer, Matrix Games, Gaming Trend, and Octopus Overlords and you probably know me as either Son_of_Montfort or Baelthazar. I was constantly posting my impressions of the current games that I was playing, making liberal use of the copy-paste keys, when it dawned on me - why not start my own blog to post reviews and commentary so that everyone could come by, read my impressions, and make their own comments! I will have to say a own a huge debt of inspiration to James Allen and his Out of Eight reviews blog, one of the finest review sites - and a great resource for the casual individual gamer.

But this blog isn't just about games and gaming reviews! I intend to post small bits of gaming news, short previews of demos or betas that I play, and - in a bizarre twist - recipes! Recipes, you say, is this guy nuts? Well, the answer is yes, but I have my reasons. My other addiction, besides gaming, is fine dining, fine drinking, and cooking. It is my firm belief that gamers need not be the cheetoes-eating, soda pop-guzzling, nutritionally deficient crowd that so often appears in the stereotypes. Although I did once have a friend live on Goldfish Crackers and A&W Rootbeer for several weeks while playing Asheron's Call, the vast majority of us are normal human beings who love the better things life has to offer. So occasionally, I will post some of my better recipes, some my own, some cribbed from books or magazines, that nearly anyone can prepare and enjoy!

So come in, pull up a chair, and make yourself at home!

The Electronic Eremite